We are Gun Control Network
The Gun Control Network was established as a small non-profit making organisation in July 1996 in the aftermath of the Dunblane tragedy. The founders included lawyers, academics and the parents of victims killed in Dunblane and Hungerford. It was the first gun control organisation in the UK.
At the time, in 1987, of the massacre of 16 people in Hungerford there was no UK organisation campaigning for tighter gun laws and the shooting lobby succeeded in watering down much of the proposed new firearms legislation.
After the tragedy in Dunblane in 1996, where 16 children and their teacher in the school gym were killed, we were determined to ensure that the same thing didn’t happen again. The public demanded real change in the gun laws and they got it. We now have a complete ban on handguns in this country and some of the strictest gun laws in the world. This dramatic achievement, and others are outlined in the Achievements menu.
The Gun Control Network is a charity (1080791).